The latest V-Jump hit store shelves in Japan and revealed a few updates for Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2’s DLC pack and a new fighter for Dragon Ball FighterZ. Thanks to ShonenGames, we have closer look for both these games.

Let’s talk about Xenoverse 2’s DLC “Extra Pack 2” and what’s been revealed for this free update. Fu, an original character for the game, was announced last month will be in this DLC pack. Two new characters have been revealed for the DLC pack: Jiren (from Dragon Ball Super) and Android 17 (costume based on Dragon Ball Super).

There’s also a few additional details that’ll with this free update next month:

  • New story involving new character “Fu”
  • Overlimit, a temperately attack that increases character stats and abilities
  • Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan avatar awakening skill
  • Android 18 and Videl swimsuit outfits (winner)

Dragon Ball FighterZ will have a new playable character, the original game character Android 21. However, she seems more pink than when we last saw her…

Android 21 can transform in battle and her new form resembles Majin Buu (another Dragon Ball FighterZ character). One of her special moves called “Tasting Cut” can absorb energy from her opponent when grabbed. Android 21 can also use the absorbed character energy as her own attack. For example, absorbing Goku’s energy she can use the “Kamehameha” attack in battle. She is most likely available when the game releases end of this month (February 1 in Japan) and apparently the last character included in the game (aside from DLC content in the near future).

Android 21 now a playable character

Via Sources: ShonenGames [1] [2], Gematsu [1] [2]

About Seth Hay - Editor-in-chief / Webmaster

When Seth is not designing or developing, he spends time with his family and his occasional dose of anime, sports and video games.

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