SNK HEROINES Tag Team Frenzy’s New Character & Trailer

Nakoruru enters the battlefield!

SNK Heroines - Nakoruru.jpgSNK Heroines - Nakoruru.jpg

NIS America released a new SNK HEROINES Tag Team Frenzy trailer earlier, showing off gameplay and large amount of fan service. During the trailer, a new character was revealed, Nakoruru.

Nakoruru originally appeared in the classic arcade game, Samurai Shodown in 1993 and her last appearance was from Another World Team in 2016’s The King of Fighters XIV.

For those who are wondering about censorship, NIS America has told its fans through Twitter that “The content released globally will contain the same costumes and content. Nothing will be removed or replaced in the Western release.”

Very comforting for those who are eager to play the game outside Japan will not have to worry about content being stripped out (no pun intended). SNK HEROINES Tag Team Frenzy is scheduled to release on the Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4 this summer.

Seth Hay: When Seth is not designing or developing, he spends time with his family and his occasional dose of anime, sports and video games.
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