WayForward has made a special announcement on their Kickstarter page for Shantae: Half-Genie Hero “Ultimate Edition”. Backers who helped funded the project received “exclusive” content for a year, this being the “Tinkerbat DLC”. Now the exclusive content will be heading to consoles for the ultimate edition pack.

During summer of 2017, we asked Backers to give your thoughts on whether to remove the exclusivity from certain DLC, or to keep it “backer-only”. The majority of Backers who responded via the KS forums and support emails were generally the same, asking us to keep it exclusive for a time, and then release it to the public so that anyone (including Backers who’d shifted consoles) could purchase it again. Official announcement regarding the exclusive content below:

In the spirit of that request, we’ve decided to include the “Backer Exclusive” content in Ultimate Edition. By the time Ultimate Edition launches, the Tinkerbat DLC will have been exclusive for nearly a year, and Color Swaps about half of that time. We hope this will make Backers happy, while observing a fair exclusivity period for those who backed at $55 and above. Best of all, now every Backer can enjoy these features!

Shantae Costume Pack

But that’s not all! WayForward has also announced new costumes for Shantae: Ninja Shantae, Beach Shantae, and Officer Shantae. Below is official announcement regarding the costume pack:

We know what you’re thinking… if “Ultimate Edition” contains the Costume Pack DLC, then the costumes must be getting close, right? That’s correct! Development of Costume Pack is nearly complete, and soon you’ll be playing brand new modes as Ninja Shantae, Beach Shantae, and Officer Shantae!

We will be ready to submit this new DLC content to Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, and Valve next month, which means you’ll be playing these modes sometime late winter/early spring! As always, this content will be free to Backers, and paid DLC for the general public. We’ll be taking a closer look at Costume Pack next update. See you then!

Shantae Half-Genie Hero Ultimate Edition is scheduled to release in Spring 2018 for the PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch.

Source: KickStarter


About Seth Hay - Editor-in-chief / Webmaster

When Seth is not designing or developing, he spends time with his family and his occasional dose of anime, sports and video games.

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