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Dungeon crawler Mary Skelter: Nightmares was released on October 13, 2016 in Japan and localized to North America almost a year later. Since then, there hasn’t been any indication on a sequel until now. Not even announced by Compile Heart, the developers of the original game, has tweeted out a promo graphic on a event, showing a pixelated graphic that resembles the logo for the original Mary Skelter game.

Mary Skelter 2 promo event


A date event about the “mysterious” game to be announced on March 10 in Japan. However, a local store in Japan has placed the supposedly mysterious game’s box on store shelves. The box reveales the game to be the sequel title Mary Skelter 2: Nightmares and would released in Japan on June 28, 2018 for the PlayStation 4 at a price tag of 7776 yen, a limited edition to be sold at 10476 yen.

Mary Skelter

Based on the back of the box art, the game will also include a remake of the PlayStation Vita game, Mary Skelter: Nightmares with a few adjustments to the gameplay. You can expect the game to make it over to western countries, only question remains is when? As for  Compile Hearts, they released a teaser tweet giving additional proof a sequel is to come.

Mary Skelter: Nightmares is available now for the PlayStation Vita. Stay tuned as we’ll announce additional details when available!

Source: Hokanko Alt

About Seth Hay - Editor-in-chief / Webmaster

When Seth is not designing or developing, he spends time with his family and his occasional dose of anime, sports and video games.

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