Monster Hunter: World is Getting Lots of Goodies

Mega Man, Dante, Deviljho, and more.

This morning, Capcom has announced some major updates regarding their hot, most-selling game, Monster Hunter: World. New monsters will roam the world this spring, including the brute wyvern, Deviljho. The monstrous beast, Deviljho, first appearance from Monster Hunter 3, makes a return to the Monster Hunter series when announced by Capcom back in January. A trailer (below) showcases the return of Deviljho and what players will be going up against along with a release date for spring 2018.  Now, a confirmed date has been set to be on March 22, 2018 for free.

The beast will invade 6 + 7 star quests and expeditions, defeating it will get you some unique armor and weaponry. To fight Deviljho, players will need to make the latest game update when it arrives. Aside from the new monster, there are additional updates and will include the following:


  • The ability to customize your character again, free for the first time and a fee for additional
  • Reduced load times
  • Added the “Text Size” setting for changing subtitle text size, under “Start Menu > Options Game Settings”
  • Added “Return to Gathering Hub” (single player) and “Disband & Return to Gathering Hub” (multiplayer) to the options for “Select Return Destination” after a quest
  • Attacks from allies no longer interrupt you during the carving animation, and are immune to all hit relations, including bombs
  • A variety of weapon tweaks and balances

The retro, Mega Man costume for your cat companion is set to release on April 13th. Yesterday, Capcom announced that the character costume of Dante from Devil May Cry will be available later in the year, no specific date mentioned. You can watch both the Mega Man and Dante character skin announcements below.

Monster Hunter: World is available for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. Deviljho and additional updates will be free on March 22, 2018. Mega Man costume on April 13th, 2018 and Dante costume at a later date.

Source: Famitsu


Seth Hay: When Seth is not designing or developing, he spends time with his family and his occasional dose of anime, sports and video games.
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