Top 40 Iconic Characters in Japan

Anime, video games, movies, and more that are popular in Japan.

Japan IconsJapan Icons

Japan has a LOT of iconic figures and at everyone outside of Japan at least knows a few of them. Goo Ranking, a site in Japan dedicated on rankings, ranks the top 40 iconic figures in Japan. Some may surprise you on what and where they are ranked. Goo Ranking’s survey method is based on 500 valid respondents from 250 men and 250 women between the ages of 20 to 30, with multiple answers. The survey lasted 2 days, January 10th to the 12th of 2018. Here is how they were ranked.

#40 Monchhichi#40 Monchhichi

#38 Kyoro-Chan#38 Kyoro-Chan

Source: Goo Ranking

Seth Hay: When Seth is not designing or developing, he spends time with his family and his occasional dose of anime, sports and video games.
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