Nintendo Showcasing “Indies” on March 20th

Indie games getting the spotlight for upcoming Nintendo Switch release.


Last August, Nintendo showcased upcoming indie games coming to the Nintendo Switch, calling it “Nindies”. We got first glimpse of upcoming titles such as Super Meat Boy Forever and  Travis Strikes Back. Now, we’re going to get another showcase to see what indie games are coming to the Nintendo Switch on March 20th.

Nintendo Switch has become a hot platform for indie developers and it really does show. Team Meat, the team behind Super Meat Boy, has seen first day sales of the game come very close to its debut on the Xbox 360. FDG Entertainment has also revealed that Switch sales has doubled versus lifetime sales on Steam for Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King.

As for what is in store, we’ll have to wait and see! Earlier, we covered that GameMaker Studio 2 was to be compatible to export games to Nintendo Switch, which is HUGE news for indie developers. We could potentially see games like SpelunkyHyper Light Drifter, and Hotline Miami come to the Nintendo Switch. All these games use the same software that Undertale utilizes and Undertale was recently announced during the latest Nintendo Direct. It maybe early to announce these games but you never know!

Cat with Monocle supports indie teams and we hope to see them succeed for their hard work. The event will commence 12pm ET (9am PT) on March 20, 2018. Below is the live stream video. We’ll post this on our home page for easy access!

Seth Hay: When Seth is not designing or developing, he spends time with his family and his occasional dose of anime, sports and video games.
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