To celebrate the upcoming Marvel Studio’s Avengers: Infinity War, Japan has started a collaboration with their popular super hero anime series, My Hero Academia. The third season of My Hero Academia just commenced season 3 this month and with the new Avengers movie coming out the same month, why not make a special promotion out of it.
To kick things off, a special poster created by Kohei Horikoshi, the original manga artist of My Hero Academia, was made to play-off the Avengers: Infinity War movie poster. Another promotion was created, showcasing Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugo (two of the main characters in the anime) with the upcoming Marvel movie. Afterwards, My Hero Academia season 3 was promoted.
On the collaboration website, the “Super Hero Colaboration” makes a character comparison with the two franchises. Some comparison are quite similar such as Captain America and Izuku Midoriya, but does the Hulk and All Might have similarities?
To get fans interact with the collaboration, each franchise’s social media is asking fans to follow both @AVN_JP and @heroaca_anime on twitter and tell everyone they like the special combination. Doing the tweet will enter you in winning the special theater posters (posted above).