Riddled Corpses EX Gets Remastered

60 FPS twin-stick shooter coming to home consoles this year.

Riddled Corpses EXRiddled Corpses EX

COWCAT Games and Diabolical Mind are at it again with a remastered version of Riddled Corpses, a Steam-only game that was released early summer of 2015. The twin-stick shooter is not only getting a name tweak but additional features too. Riddled Corpses EX, the remastered title, will receive the following console exclusive updates:

  • 60 frames per second for all consoles (the game was 30 frames per second on PC)
  • Clearer HUD with transparency
  • Characters now have different stats
  • New “Story mode” with cutscenes
  • New soundtrack (switch between classic and new)
  • “Grinding” significantly reduced and more progressive
  • Enemies have more diverse AI and stats
  • New collision detection
  • New combo system
  • Co-op mode now works as expected and in all modes (local co-op only on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One)
  • Arcade mode revamped to be a “true” arcade experience – start with nothing but a few lives and need to complete the game in one sitting
  • Compare your scores in each mode on the online leaderboard
  • Added bonus stages in Arcade mode
  • Added explanations for each mode
  • Added hazards in levels (exploding barrels, fire floor, etc.) and extras (crates, etc.)
  • Destructible objects now have a health bar
  • Clock power-up now blocks or slows down enemies and shots + graphical effect
  • Dynamic now works on all enemies
  • New menu artwork
  • New lighting system
  • Stereo music and sounds (PC version was mono)
  • Palette swap for characters in co-op
  • Optional transparency effects
  • Added controller vibration
  • Added stage progress indicator
  • And more…!

This isn’t the only game COWCAT Games and Diabolical Mind have teamed up on porting, Xenon Valkyrie + was once a Steam-only game and was ported over to the PlayStation Vita late 2017. The game eventually released over to the the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One earlier this year. Also making a return, the game’s composer Giorgiost has created the chiptune soundtrack for Riddled Corpses EX, which can be heard below and is available now for purchase.

Riddled Corpses EX will release this year for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, and Xbox One. Cross-buy available for the PlayStation Vita version.


Seth Hay: When Seth is not designing or developing, he spends time with his family and his occasional dose of anime, sports and video games.
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