Watch the New Octopath Traveler Commercial

This new footage will drive down your patience for JRPG fans.

Octopath TravelerOctopath Traveler

Square Enix has released a web commercial for their upcoming JRPG game, exclusively for the Nintendo Switch, Octopath Traveler. The commercial is short but the commentator’s voice is in English.

The commercial showcases a few wild but short battles and traveling with your comrades. The commentator doesn’t explain too much about the game but its interesting enough to see more gameplay of Octopath Traveler. Not only does the retro-styled game is intriguing for fans of the older Final Fantasy series but the illustrated artwork is just as amazing.

Octopath Traveler will launch worldwide on July 13, 2018, exclusively for the Nintendo Switch.

Watch the New Octopath Traveler CommercialWatch the New Octopath Traveler Commercial
Seth Hay: When Seth is not designing or developing, he spends time with his family and his occasional dose of anime, sports and video games.
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