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Since launch, Bandai Namco has been very quiet on the details regarding Ni no Kuni II: REVENANT KINGDOM‘s season pass. You can purchase it but what’s the point of buying something you don’t know? Today, the silence broke and details on the game’s DLC has been explained. There’ll be three downloadable content (DLC) packs. The first one being free, titled as the “Adventure Pack”, which will launch on August 9, 2018. The other two will require a season pass and will begin to release this winter and early 2019. Below are the official details per pack from Bandai Namco.

Adventure Pack DLC #1

A new challenge for experienced players. The Adventure Pack adds additional floors to the Faraway Forest Cave, two new bosses; Blackhart and Zeta, and new quests that will be unlocked after completing the game’s story. Evan and his friends will find new costumes and additional rewards to acquire in the Adventure Pack, which will be free to all Ni no Kuni II: REVENANT KINGDOM players.

(Season Pass) DLC #2

Available this winter, this DLC will feature a brand new enigmatic dungeon for players to explore. Evan and friends will plumb the depths of this cryptic dungeon facing increasingly stronger enemies while trying to reach its deepest levels. The journey will be difficult, but the reward will surely be worth it!

(Season Pass) DLC #3

Expected to release early 2019, an additional story expansion of Ni no Kuni II: REVENANT KINGDOM will be available full of exciting content. More details to be announced soon.

Ni no Kuni II: REVENANT KINGDOM is available for the PlayStation 4 and PC (Steam). You can purchase the season pass of the game now for $1999 (USD) at the PlayStation Store or at Steam.

About Seth Hay - Editor-in-chief / Webmaster

When Seth is not designing or developing, he spends time with his family and his occasional dose of anime, sports and video games.

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