Wonder Festival 2018 Summer Figures Debut

From Dragon Ball to Harry Potter, there’s a figure for everything.

Wonder Festival of 2018 SummerWonder Festival of 2018 Summer

Twice a year (winter and summer), the world’s largest figure festival, Wonder Festival takes place to showcase new figures, interviews, and live performances. Wonder Festival 2018 Summer event kicks off in Chiba, Japan (just outside of Tokyo) on July 29th, which by the way is currently underway, until August 2nd. The event holds a wide variety of figures from various media such as anime, video games, movies, and even Marvel characters make an appearance at the event.

Lot of the figures that are displayed are not the final product. Majority of the figures are either not painted as prototypes or acrylic cutouts, along with a few “coming soon” signs on what’s being created. Lot of these figures aren’t cheap as you may have visited stores such as amiami.com or Tokyo Otaku Mode.

Thanks to AmiAmiKaho Tan, and Hobby Japan, you can get a taste of what figures are being displayed at the 2018 summer event from the gallery below. It’s quite amazing to see what figures are being in the works, especially coming from Pokémon, Dragon Ball, One Piece, FATE series, and others. It’s also quite surprising there’s a Harry Potter figure at the event. If you are hungry for more, be sure to check out AmiAmiKaho Tan, and Hobby Japan accounts for additional photos and coverage. For now, check out these detailed photos below.

For further details on the event, check out the official website.

Seth Hay: When Seth is not designing or developing, he spends time with his family and his occasional dose of anime, sports and video games.
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