Tundra Man Skates In as the Next Robot Master

A dance off for Mega Man.

You want to dance? Tundra Man will show you how it’s done. The next robot master is all ice and skating and will put Mega Man on his toes if he’s not careful. Not only do players need to watch out for Tundra Man’s flashy, icy attacks but also the stage itself. Tundra Man’s stage is hazardous and slippery too but is that a surprise? We have a flame stage in Mega Man 11 so a cooler stage had to come sooner than later.

When you take down Tundra Man, you’ll pick up his Tundra Storm attack. Icy winds that can take down enemies above and below the blue bomber. Take it up a notch with the Power Gear and you can freeze the entire screen area. That’s cold!

Mega Man 11 will release October 2, 2018 for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC (Steam). You can also expect additional Mega Man 11 wallpapers to show up here at Cat with Monocle.

Source: Capcom Unity

Seth Hay: When Seth is not designing or developing, he spends time with his family and his occasional dose of anime, sports and video games.
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