Tetris Effect Release Date Announced

Cool bonuses too!

Tetris Effect Release DateTetris Effect Release Date

Tetris Effect release date has been announced. Puzzle fans can begin playing on November 9th for the PlayStation 4. Players can use their PlayStation VR for a more unique experience but not required. What makes this Tetris different? If you recall the name Tetsuya Mizuguchi, then you’ve got an idea about his style. Tetsuya has been involved with many puzzle-typed games such as Lumines, Rez, and Space Channel 5. With his hand in the development, the game will have a different spin in the Tetris franchise.

Tetris Effect - Pre-order BonusTetris Effect - Pre-order Bonus

The puzzle game will have over 30 stages and 10 different modes. Enhance Games, the publisher, has announced a public weekend trial demo sometime this month. If you pre-order the game, digital or physical, players will receive the following goods as downloads:

  • Seven original .mp3 tracks from the game
  • Seen avatars for your PSN profile
  • PS4 dynamic theme

You can view the announcement trailer and gallery below on a closer look at the pre-order bonuses and gameplay. Tetris Effect releases on the PlayStation 4 on November 9, 2018.

Source: Enhance Games

Seth Hay: When Seth is not designing or developing, he spends time with his family and his occasional dose of anime, sports and video games.
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