Tetris Effect Demo Starts November 1st

Try out the new Tetris game until November 5th.

Tetris Effect Release DateTetris Effect Release Date

Enhance has announced today that Tetris Effect demo starts November 1st and will run until the end of the weekend. The game will have a different twist as Tetsuya Mizuguchi will have his hands on how this classic puzzle will play. Tetris Effect will be available to demo only for the PlayStation 4 and compatible for the PlayStation VR. For PlayStation 4 Pro owners, the game will run 60 frames-per-second. If you enjoy puzzle games, definitely check this one out.

The game will release on November 9, 2018. A great selling tactic to try before you buy. However, if you pre-order the game you’ll receive some nifty goodies for your PlayStation 4.

Tetris Effect - E3 2018 Announce Trailer | PS4Tetris Effect - E3 2018 Announce Trailer | PS4
Seth Hay: When Seth is not designing or developing, he spends time with his family and his occasional dose of anime, sports and video games.
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