Dragon Ball Super: Broly Trailer 3 Arrives

Let’s get physical!

Dragon Ball Super: Broly Trailer 3Dragon Ball Super: Broly Trailer 3

Dragon Ball Super: Broly move is coming closer and has been selling well in advanced in Japan. A Japanese trailer for Dragon Ball Super: Broly trailer 3 has arrived and giving more intense fights than the previous two trailers. Now, we finally got a chance to see what the original Super Saiyan God form for Vegeta looks like along with a taste of Broly’s power. At the end of the trailer, you’ll notice some 3D animation on Goku and Vegeta before they perform a high-powered attack. Seen in previous two films, while it tries to give it a fluid animation seems a bit off. Originally been okay if they stuck with the 2D perspective but that’s our opinion since majority of the scenes look detailed.

This is also the first time we hear the movie’s insert them, “Blizzard” by 31-year-old singer Daichi Miura. The CD for this theme will release December 16, 2018 and can be pre-ordered now.

You can watch the Japanese trailer below with English subtitles. We may get one more trailer before its release but till then, are you looking forward to this movie?

Dragon Ball Super: Broly movie released in Japan on December 14, 2018. North America on January 16, 2019. You can read our review on the movie.

Japanese Trailer with English Sub

Dragon Ball Super Movie: Broly – Sub TrailerDragon Ball Super Movie: Broly – Sub Trailer

Seth Hay: When Seth is not designing or developing, he spends time with his family and his occasional dose of anime, sports and video games.
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