Panzer Dragoon Remake is Happening

First two games are getting upgrades.

Panzer Dragoon remake is happening. In fact, the first two games, Panzer Dragoon and Panzer Dragoon II Zwei is getting the special treatment. The rail shooter game released on the Sega Saturn in 1995. In 1996, the second installment, Panzer Dragoon Zwei was released for the Sega Saturn. Both games will receive new graphics to today’s standards along with modifications to improve gameplay.

Please note that the Sega Saturn’s 1998 Panzer Dragoon Saga will not be receiving the special remake. You’ll still have to fork over a large amount of cash if you are hoping to play the hard to find Saga game. The fourth entry, Panzer Dragoon Orta was released on the Xbox in 2002 and is now backwards compatible for the Xbox One. Panzer Dragoon: Remake will release by the end of 2019.

Could we potentially see the other two Panzer Dragoon games remade? Of course if the demand is there, especially how hard it is to find Panzer Dragoon Saga. No details regarding what consoles the remakes will be released on.

Source: Forever Entertainment

Seth Hay: When Seth is not designing or developing, he spends time with his family and his occasional dose of anime, sports and video games.
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