Battle Princess Madelyn Updates Coming

New modes, maps, better fonts.

Not every game is perfect. For indie companies to go back, fix and update their game, they show that they do care about their product and listen to feedback. It may cost them more money and time. However, it’s about quality over quantity. Casual Bit Games has made improvements to their game, Battle Princess Madelyn along with additional content. Based on our review, there were some things missing from it and great to see those are being addressed, specially in the story mode.

Updates for Battle Princess Madelyn

  • King Daddy Mode – Play as Madelyn’s father, King Daddy. Wielding only the Insanity’s Blade, this mode is for those who are looking for additional challenges. However, you still have Frizty’s powers to aid you in battle. A surprise ending for those who beat it.
  • Boss Rush Mode – Battle against every boss in the game, back-to-back.
  • Map – Story Mode now has a map that’ll help players indicate where you, statues, bosses, travel stone, and more are located.
  • Quest Log – No need to memorize your quests, you can now go back and re-read your quests.
  • Teleport Anywhere – You can now teleport to the nearest rune stone during your travels by pausing the game.
  • Help System – New hint system, option to maximize Fritzy’s MP, and have Madelyn fully upgraded. Gives aid to those who are looking for assistance in the game.
  • Level adjustments – Some levels have been revamped and redesigned in the Story Mode. Making it easier to navigate and easier direction. For example, the spider’s lair to earn the double jump ability.
  • Cleaner Fonts – Now easier to read!
  • Additional Options – Turn on/off rumble. Additional languages.

Battle Princess Madelyn updates are coming to consoles in a few weeks and is already available for Steam players. Screenshots below article to see examples of the updates.

Source: Kickstarter, Steam

Seth Hay: When Seth is not designing or developing, he spends time with his family and his occasional dose of anime, sports and video games.
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