Ni no Kuni Movie Trailer Revealed

Still has that Studio Ghibli vibe.

Ni no Kuni Movie TrailerNi no Kuni Movie Trailer

The first Ni no Kuni movie trailer has finally revealed in Japan since its first announcement back in February. The trailer focuses on the three characters, Yuu, Haru, and Kotona and their travels to the parallel, fantasy world. While Studio Ghibli has helped out with the first installment of the Ni no Kuni series, their unique artistic touch still remains in this film. Which is no surprise since the movie is directed by Yoshiyuki Momose, who previously worked on both Ni no Kuni games, Mary and the Witch’s Flower, Spirited Away, and many other Studio Ghibli films.

The Ni no Kuni movie set to release in Japan this summer of 2019. You can visit the official website and twitter account for additional details. The official trailer is available below.

Ni no Kuni Movie TrailerNi no Kuni Movie Trailer

Source: Ninokuni_movie (Twitter)

Seth Hay: When Seth is not designing or developing, he spends time with his family and his occasional dose of anime, sports and video games.
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