The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening E3 Hands-On

Exploring Koholint Island 26 years later.

Link's Awakening E3Link's Awakening E3

Since the announcement that Nintendo was remastering the original Link’s Awakening from the Game Boy, the internet has gone crazy to get their hands on the remaster. Today was that day, for many of the attendance of the first day of E3. We were able to get our hands on the game at E3 today, and have some thoughts with the Link’s Awakening E3 demo.

Link's Awakening E3Link's Awakening E3

The original Link’s Awakening for the Game Boy was a masterpiece, and the remake show’s no different. From the opening scene where Marin finds Link on the beach, to the chain chomp tethered to their post in the village, this game has been lovingly crafted after the original game, right down to shrubbery. That’s not to say there isn’t anything new in this game! Sadly, the Link’s Awakening E3 demo was quite short on time. Thus could only play a fraction of what the game has to offer. Yet this fraction can go a long way.

Link, and the rest of Koholint Island has a very cherry, almost childlike approach to the graphics this time, but do not let that fool you. This is a Zelda game from head to toe and the visual style compliments this better than originally thought. Can you recall the catchy tunes from the original release? They’re back but remastered, a tasty treat for the ears! The first time the overworld theme plays, the familiarity sets right in and it’s easy to hum along with the theme.

Link's Awakening E3Link's Awakening E3

As far as controlling Link, anyone who has played a top down Zelda knows exactly what to expect. Link controls very well, and yes, Link can move in any direction now thanks to the analogue stick. The swing of the sword feels exactly as it should and will swing as fast as the button can be pressed.

However, there is still work to be done. The frame rate takes a very noticeable hit when in the town. Particularly when there are a lot of bushes on screen. The Nintendo rep at the booth indicated that this is not the final build. The game still has some polishing and optimization is still happening behind the scenes. Regardless, if this is the only gripe to be found, it’s quite a petty gripe.

Revisiting Koholint Island, or going for the first time will be a real treat for fans of the series. Look for The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening, releasing on Nintendo Switch on September 20th, 2019. For the “gotta have it all” player, Nintendo will be releasing a “Dreamers Edition” of Link’s Awakening that includes a hardcover art book at well as the game itself on the same date.

Brian Para: Gaming since he could hold a controller, Brian has owned nearly every console released. When he isn’t trying to keep up with his three children, you can catch him playing Xenoblade Chronicles 2, wishing for chicken dinner in PUBG, and still working his way through Breath of the Wild.
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