Pokemon Sword and Shield Expansion Pass Officially Announced

Continue your Pokemon journey through 2020.

Pokemon Sword and Shield Expansion Pass AnnouncedPokemon Sword and Shield Expansion Pass Announced

Looking back in the history of Pokemon games, we’ve seen many enhanced editions through the years. For example, Pokemon Crystal, Emerald, Black 2, White 2, Ultra Sun, and Ultra Moon. Today, GameFreak made it official that there won’t be an extra game entry to branch from Sword and Shield. Instead, a Pokemon Sword and Shield expansion pass will be available for $29.99 each through the Nintendo eShop.

In the expansion pass, players can continue their journey, taking on the Isle of Armor and the Crown Tundra. However, each journey are set a different dates. The Isle of Armor will kick off in June 2020. The Crown Tundra in fall 2020. New and revisiting Pokemon, including legendary Pokemon, will make their appearance in the expansion. Fear not for those who wish not to purchase the expansion can still get the new entry Pokemon through trades.

New Faces, New Foes

When visiting Isle of Armor, you’ll encounter a legendary Pokemon trainer named Mustard. Mustard will guide you on your training. However, you aren’t the only one doing Mustard’s training. Meet Klara and Avery, tough trainers that are looking to build their own gym and stadium. Both these trainers are your new rivals and will you give a challenge on the Isle of Armor. Though you will not battle both, depending which Pokemon version you play. Pokemon Sword players will be going against Klara. Pokemon Shield players will get Avery.

Pokemon Sword and Shield Expansion Pass - New TrainersPokemon Sword and Shield Expansion Pass - New Trainers

Slow…. Poke………. Time

Even better, trainers can catch the Galarian Slowpoke. How? This Slowpoke is available to catch outside Wedgehurst Station after speaking with either Klara (in Pokemon Sword) or Avery (in Pokemon Shield). Trainers can also evolve the Galarian Slowpoke when visiting the new territories later in the year. A Galarian Slowpoke can evolve to Galarian Slowbro with a little help of an evolution item at the Isle of Armor. For a Galarian Slowking, an evolution item available at the Crown Tundra.

Gigantamax Galore!

That’s not all. Pokemon Sword and Shield’s starter Pokemon are getting Gigantamax forms. Surprisingly, this wasn’t already in the game already. Unfortunately, the Gigantamax forms aren’t available until the Isle of Armor expansion pass drops on June 2020. Additional Gigantamax forms, such as for Blastoise and Venusaur will be available at the launch of the pass.

More Pokemon and a New Legendary

During the Pokemon Direct, a new Pokemon was revealed for the expansion pass. Kubfu, a cub-like Pokemon will be available once the expansion pass goes live, outside the Galar region, on the Isle of Armor. Like many Pokemon, Kubfu can evolve to Urshifu but depending your choices you make will determine its fighting style: Single Strike Style or Rapid Strike Style. Additionally, Urshifu can also have the Gigantamax form.

Pokemon from previous games that didn’t make the cut over are getting their chance on the Island of Armor and the Crown Tundra. Here’s a couple graphics on which Pokemon are making a comeback:

Later in the fall of 2020, you’ll encounter a legendary Pokemon when you visit the Crown Tundra, Calyrex. Calyrex once ruled all of Galar in ancient times. Its movements are graceful and has high intelligence. This physic and grass type Pokemon can see the past, present and future. More information about this Pokemon to come later in the year.

Overall, the expansion pass will be offering a lot of new content. To make things a little easier, here’s the official chart from the Pokemon website on what’s being added in the expansion pass:

You can watch the direct and announcement trailer below. Official screenshots from the expansion pass are also available below the article. Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield available now for the Nintendo Switch. Pokemon Sword and Shield Expansion pass for each version of Sword and Shield available for pre-order now.

Source: Nintendo

Seth Hay: When Seth is not designing or developing, he spends time with his family and his occasional dose of anime, sports and video games.
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