Tetris Effect: Connected Announced for Xbox Consoles and PC

It has multiplayer mode!

Tetris Effect: Connected AnnouncedTetris Effect: Connected Announced

Tetris Effect: Connected announced to launch on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, and PC (Windows 10). A fantastic updated Tetris game designed by Tetsuya Mizuguchi and the same people who brought you Rez Infinite and Lumines. Based on our review of the game for the PlayStation 4, we were disappointed there isn’t multiplayer mode. That’ll changed as the updated Tetris Effect game that’ll launch on the Xbox consoles and PC will have multiplayer mode. Online or co-op and competitive play for 1-3 players (1-2 competitive, 1-3 co-op, with CPU players available). Cross-play between Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC. The puzzle game optimized native 4K / 60 fps visuals on the Xbox Series X and PC.

For PlayStation 4, Epic Games Store, and Oculus Quest players, the multiplayer expansion will be available as a free update later in summer 2021. That’s a bit of a wait but at the very least, everyone gets to play multiplayer soon. As for cross-play on these stores and console, no official word yet. If interested in the soundtrack, it is available to purchase such as Bandcamp and other music streaming services.

Tetris Effect: Connected launches alongside the Xbox Series X this holiday. Available for Game Pass at launch. Official website open to the public.

Source: Enhance

Seth Hay: When Seth is not designing or developing, he spends time with his family and his occasional dose of anime, sports and video games.
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