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On Sunday, Big Finish Productions announced the return of actor Christopher Eccleston as the Ninth Doctor in twelve new Doctor Who audio adventures, starting in May 2021. Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor Adventures releases across four box sets across three formats: CD, download, and limited edition gatefold triple LP vinyl. Don’t look for it in stores, though; it is a Big Finish website exclusive. Story details, writers, and cast member information are not available at this time.

Christopher Eccleston said the following about his return:

After 15 years, it will be exciting to revisit the Ninth Doctor’s world, bringing back to life a character I love playing.

Christopher Eccleston first played the role when the British science fiction series returned to television screens in 2005. He introduced the character, an intelligent alien who travels through time and space, to a new generation of fans. His ninth incarnation was streetsmart and funny, yet damaged by a recent war that claimed his entire race. However, the actor’s time in the role only lasted one season, for reasons that are still unclear. He declined to appear in the televised fiftieth anniversary special in 2013, featuring his successors David Tennant and Matt Smith.

Back to Nine

So what changed? According to Jason Haigh-Ellery, chairman of Big Finish, he approached the actor at the Gallifrey One convention last February about returning to the role. “Christopher said he was enjoying meeting the fans and was pleased that his Doctor was remembered so fondly,” he said. “He indicated he would be open to discussing a project with Big Finish.”

Big Finish makes high quality audio adventures based on television series like Doctor Who and Torchwood. They use many of the original cast members, including all the living Doctors from the classic series. They also enlisted Doctors Eight, Paul McGann, and Ten, David Tennant. Convincing Christopher Eccleston to join their ranks is a testament to Big Finish’s hard work and dedication to the series.

And you know what? That’s fantastic!

Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor Adventures is available for pre-order now.

Sources: Big Finish,

About Chris Jackson - Editor & Writer

A lifelong Nintendo fan and lover of anime who hopes to publish a book one day

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