Onee Chanbara Origin Western Release This October

A bloodbath fit before Halloween.

Grab your sword and bikini outfit, Onee Chanbara releasing in the west to consoles this October. Onee Chanbara Origin is a complete HD remake of both The Onechanbara and The Onechanbara 2. Both games originally released on the PlayStation 2 in 2004 and 2005. The remastered game features renewed main character designs by series designer Katsumi Enami. Synopsis of the hack ‘n slash game below.

Onee Chanbara Origin follows the zombie-hunters, Aya and Saki’s fate into destroying each other and leads into the second of the series, The Onechanbara 2. After the sisters overcome their cruel fate in killing one another, they overcome their rivalry against one another and ally together to depart on their journey of finding their father, Oboro, after he leaves behind a message that names Eva as the mastermind behind his wife’s death and all of the chaos that ensued between the two sisters, including the vice that made Saki insane and hell-bent on avenging her mother. Little do they know they are coming even closer to the truth and their true enemy.

Onee Chanbara Origin announced to release in western countries for the PlayStation 4 and PC on October 14th.

Additional information on the official website.

Seth Hay: When Seth is not designing or developing, he spends time with his family and his occasional dose of anime, sports and video games.
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