Sephiroth Presentation for Super Smash Bros Ultimate Showcases New Content

Animated stage, Cloud upgrades, and more!

Sephiroth PresentationSephiroth Presentation

Latest Super Smash Bros Ultimate Sephiroth presentation showcases the new fighter. New Mii Fighter costumes, an animated and story-based stage, and a unique mode were shown. During the 35 minute presentation we got to see Sephiroth in-action and some unique features. One of them is how the One-Winged sprouts from Sephiroth’s back. The new fighter receives a nice three-jump feature along with his long-range sword attacks. However Sephiroth isn’t the only character shown-off, Cloud received some love as well. He’ll receive a new special attack, Omnislash Version 5 when using his Advent Children costume.

Additional Final Fantasy VII music have been added, making it a total of nine tracks:

  • Opening – Bombing Mission (new arrangement)
  • Those Who Fight (FFVII: Advent Children Version)
  • Those Who Fight  Further (FFVII: Advent Children Version)
  • Aerith’s Theme (new arrangement)
  • Main Theme of Final Fantasy VII (new arrangement)
  • Cosmo Canyon (new arrangement)
  • One-Winged Angel
  • Advent: One-Winged Angel

This is a lot better than just two tracks when Cloud first appeared for the Smash Bros series. A new Final Fantasy VII stage added and this one is special. This is the first battlefield in Smash Bros to animate a story. The Northern Cave stage takes place on the final setting in Final Fantasy VII. In the background, an animation occurs, telling the story of the end of Final Fantasy VII. If you haven’t played the 20 year-old game, get ready for spoilers.

A new mode added, starting today in Super Smash Bros Ultimate called “Sephiroth Challenge”. This challenge only available for five days and only for those who have purchased the character or season pass. Defeat Sephiroth and you can unlock him immediately.

Sephiroth (Challenger Pack 8) available on December 22, 2020 for $5.99 USD or download immediately if you purchased the Season Pass Vol. 2.

Seth Hay: When Seth is not designing or developing, he spends time with his family and his occasional dose of anime, sports and video games.
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