NieR Replicant Launch Update Adds Extra Content

Costumes, weapons, extra dungeon, and more… for free.

NieR Replicant Launch UpdatesNieR Replicant Launch Updates

NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139… just around the corner of releasing and Square Enix isn’t stopping there. When the game launches on April 23rd, NieR Replicant launch update will add loads of content from costumes to new dungeons, all for free. Fans of NieR Automata will enjoy the upcoming update. Here’s a detailed list of updates coming provided by Square Enix:

  • Extra Episode – Players can enjoy a new scenario and exhilarating boss battle by playing through the game, in an all new “Mermaid” episode featuring a wrecked ship and a little girl.
  • Extra Dungeons from “15 Nightmares” – Previously released as downloadable content for the original release in Japan and similar to “The World of Recycled Vessel” content in the West, fans will be able to undertake a series of challenging dungeons as the “15 Nightmares” protagonist in the world of recycled vessel. Playing through the dungeons will unlock a variety of weapons, as well as extra costumes, “Kabuki” and “Samurai.” You will also be able to change the appearance of enemy bullets to Emil’s face through the option menu after obtaining either of the costumes.
  • Soundtrack from NieR:Automata – Players will unlock an option to switch to select background music tracks from the critically acclaimed NieR:Automata after completing the first playthrough.
  • Guest Cast from NieR:Automata – The English and Japanese voice actors of 2B and 9S will be featured in the game.

Additionally, there’s more costumes to grab. Starting April 23rd of the game’s launch, players can download a free “4 YoRHa” costume pack of designs from the popular NieR: Automata. These outfits include 9S, 2B and A2 and can be equipped on your NieR Replicant characters. A trailer revealing new content was released by Square Enix and viewable below.

Those who’ve or going to pre-order, there’s several pre-order bonuses to look out for per console. Here’s what’ll come:

  • PlayStation 4 – All editions will include an exclusive PlayStation 4 system dynamic theme and 14 avatar set. Pre-orders will also include a digital copy of the mini soundtrack.
  • Xbox One – Pre-orders will also include a digital copy of the mini soundtrack.*
  • Steam – All editions will include a special digital wallpaper collection. Pre-orders will also include a digital copy of the mini soundtrack.

* Xbox One users can only play the mini soundtrack in-game only via a designated app. Music data cannot be extracted outside the console.

NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139… launches on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on April 23, 2021. Wallpapers available for the game here on Cat with Monocle.

Source: Square Enix

Seth Hay: When Seth is not designing or developing, he spends time with his family and his occasional dose of anime, sports and video games.
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