Granblue Fantasy: Versus Adds Eustace to its Roster

Gunslinger character

Granblue Fantasy: Versus Adds Eustace to its RosterGranblue Fantasy: Versus Adds Eustace to its Roster

Fighting game, Granblue Fantasy: Versus adds Eustace, a gunslinger fighter to its character roster for season 2. Eustace is the fifth character revealed for the game’s season 2 pass, making it now one more character left to announce. Players who have the season 2 pass can pick up the character today or purchase individually for $6.99 USD. The new battle stage, Dydroit Belt, is also available now for $3.99 USD. Those who do not have season 2 character pass can pick it up on the PlayStation Store or on Steam for $34.99 USD. Picking up the pass also includes previous four announced characters and one upcoming fighter (announced at a later date). However, the pass does not include colored theme costumes and stages.

Fans of the game can pick up our Granblue Fantasy: Versus wallpapers here on Cat with Monocle.

Granblue Fantasy: Versus - DLC Character Trailer (Eustace)Granblue Fantasy: Versus - DLC Character Trailer (Eustace)

Source: XSEED

Seth Hay: When Seth is not designing or developing, he spends time with his family and his occasional dose of anime, sports and video games.
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