TOEM trophies are unmissable and most of them are earned by a quick play-through. Some require photos of various creatures and initiate certain events. The following guide will help you understand how-to unlock each one. You can read our full review of TOEM: A Photo Adventure if you haven’t picked up the game yet. The following trophies are based on the original game and not the Basto extra content.

And that completes the list!
Unlock everything. Trophy earned for PlayStation users only.

The Beginning
(Start your adventure!)
Easiest trophy, get your camera and leave town.

Going Long!
(You just walked a thousand miles!)
Equip your clogs and walk around them for a while.
Tip: rubberband the controller’s two thumbsticks together, facing towards each other. Could take 30 minutes to one hour to unlock with constant walking.
Slow and Steady
(What an amazing race that was! Trilling action)
At Oaklaville in front of the hotel, there’s a snail sliding towards the finish line. Use your camera to watch it, it will take awhile so grab a beverage. Trophy unlocks when the snail makes it to the finish line.
Employee of the Month
(Our best non-employed employee!)
Go to Stanhamn and go inside the power plant building. Go up the ladder to see a wall of portraits and you’ll see an empty frame. Add your portrait to it to unlock the trophy.
All Geared Up
(Defeat the winds with your style!)
Collect all the winter gear (boots, scarf, hat, googles) from the locals in Kiiruberg. Some items require you to do a quest to achieve the item.
(Equip every item once)
Equip every item from your clothing inventory once. One item you will have to swap if you haven’t worn the paper hat or the pirate hat. Visit a sleeping native on the dock at Stanhamn. Wake the figure up by using your camera’s honk accessory. Many of these items obtained while completing other trophies.
Head: Cowboy hat, diving helmet, fishing hat, hard hat, hotbean hat, pirate hat, paper hat, puffer hat, reporter hat, fjällbjörn cap (baseball cap), space helmet.
Face: Ski goggles, ghost glasses
Body: Scarf
Feet: Clogs, rubber boots, sneakers, climbing boots, soaked sock
Special: Foam finger, monster mask, photo challenger flag, umbrella
Who’s a Good Boy!?
(Pet a dog)
Pet a dog in Stanhamn or in Kiiruberg.
Calmed Down
(Snap a close-up photo of the skeleton)
Visiting Oaklaville, a Skeleton character walks out of his home. Help the ghost outside the house, near the tombstones. Afterwards, talk to the ghost inside the skeleton’s home. Afterwards, head out and the skeleton figure is sparkling. Take a photo of the skeleton to unlock the trophy.
Just a Sock
(Snap a close-up photo of a sockman)
Visiting Oaklaville, a sock-man figure next to the hotel on a bench, lost his sock. After the events in the “Calmed Down” trophy, a ghost next to a set of pots on a table will play a mini game to find a wet sock in one of the pots. Win and return the sock to the sock-man.
A Sparkling Jump
(Snap a close-up photo of a dancer)
In Stanhamn, a figure wearing a dress and a hat is prancing back and forth. In the camera view, use your honk accessory to make the figure jump and take a photo.
Flight Ready
(Snap a close-up photo of a special seagull)
In Stanhamn, there’s a stage with a crane with a seagull wearing a pair of goggles and a scarf. Use your camera to take a photo of the special seagull.
(Snap a close-up photo of a influencer)
Help a local in Logcity who needs help taking photos of her food items. You’ll do this two times for the local and will unlock the trophy.
A New Job
(Snap a close-up photo of a stressed human)
In Logcity near the bus stop, a local figure is sitting on a bench stressing about their job. Meet a local gang in the city that’ll put mud on your camera lens. Go back to the figure by the bus stop to get your camera clean.
Happy Youth
(Snap a close-up photo of an old man)
Take a photo of the elder in Kiiruberg in his home after you show him a photo taken of a giant snowball, located near his home.
A Great Story
(Snap a close-up photo of the mountain explorer)
Show the mountain explorer in Kiiruberg five photos of petroglyphs (drawings) spread across Kiiruberg and the one hidden before viewing TOEM. Does not include the petroglyph next to the explorer.
Collect Them All
(Photograph everything inside the compendium)
In your album, select the “snail” tab. Complete this section by taking photos of every creature such as: birds, cats, dogs, insects, sea creatures, etc.
Look at Those Cuties
(Photograph all of the development team’s animals)
Photograph all the cats and dogs in the game across all five areas.
Home Sweet Home
(Photograph Nana’s house)
Take a photo of nana’s home to unlock the trophy.
The Calm Forest
(Visit Oaklavile)
Visit Oaklavile for the first time.
A Majestic Hotel
(Photograph the Oakhotel from the lookout point)
Visiting Oaklavile, you’ll need help from four beaver-like creatures to move a log to get the area’s highest point. From there, use your camera to get a good photo and return to the hotel’s front desk to unlock the trophy.
Nature’s Show-Stopper
(Complete the photo challenges in Oaklaville)
Speak to the photo challenger outside the hotel and complete three tasks. Show photos to complete the challenge.
Strong as an Oak
(Complete all Quests in Oaklaville)
Complete all quests on your community card in Oaklaville.
Set Sail for Good Weather
(Visit Stanhamn)
Visit Stanhamn for the first time.
A Voyage Underwater
(Photograph the smiling huntsman)
At a local dock in Stanhamn, a flock of birds block your path to go underwater. Achieve the camera’s honk accessory by helping out the lighthouse and use it to scare the birds. You’ll need the underwater helmet, achieved by a treasure chest by using the crane in Stanhamn to clear junk from the water. Once underwater, use your camera to take a photo of the sunken ship from afar.
Calm as the Sea
(Complete the photo challenges in Stanhamn)
Speak to the photo challenger and complete three tasks. Show photos to complete the challenge.
(Complete all quests in Stanhamn)
Complete all quests on your community card in Stanhamn.
The Big City
(Visit Logcity)
Visit Logcity for the first time.
The Grand Clock Tower
(Photograph the Grand Clock Tower’s special)
Stand on the nearby platform, same area as the tower. Use your camera to take a photo of the clock tower.
City Professional
(Complete the photo challenges in Logcity)
Speak to the photo challenger and complete three tasks. Show photos to complete the challenge.
Business Executed
(Complete all quests in Logcity)
Complete all quests on your community card in Logcity.
Snowy Peaks
(Visit Kiiruberg)
Visit Kiiruberg for the first time.
Experience TOEM
(Photograph the TOEM phenomenon)
After completing a small number of quests on your Kiiruberg’s community card, travel to the Kiiruberg’s Peaks by bus. Climb up and take a photo of TOEM and its colors.
The Biggest Hurdle
(Complete the photo challenges in Kiiruberg)
Speak to the photo challenger and complete three tasks. Show photos to complete the challenge.
Ice Fighter
(Complete all quests in Kiiruberg)
Complete all quests on your community card in Kiiruberg.
So Close Now!
(Visit Kiiruberg’s Peaks)
Visit Kiiruberg’s Peaks for the first time.
A True Completionist
(Complete all the quests in the game)
Complete all the community cards in all five locations.
You Found Us!
(You’re really good with that camera!)
Inside the hotel at Oaklaville stand in the center of the room and look straight up with your camera and zoom all the way. An indicator will appear and once filled, you’ll uncover a new picture in the hotel, unlocking the trophy.