Street Fighter 6 Revealed

Currently in development.

Street Fighter 6 RevealedStreet Fighter 6 Revealed

Street Fighter 6 revealed during the Capcom Pro Tour 2021 on Monday morning. The game is currently in development but Capcom released a teaser trailer of an up-close view of Ryu preparing for a battle. The scenes are cinematic with no actual gameplay footage along with no indication what console the game will release on. Based off of the release of Street Fighter V, expect the Nintendo Switch to miss out again.

The next Street Fighter game revealed its new logo but changed its original style to a modern-looking emblem. Veteran fans may not be on board with the change but Capcom seems to have other plans. More likely to attract new players to make it feel fresh and new. Last time Capcom released a game on its sixth sequel, it drew a lot of criticism, looking at you Resident Evil 6.

While nothing new for the time being, fans can visit the official game’s website already up for public view.

Street Fighter 6 - Teaser TrailerStreet Fighter 6 - Teaser Trailer

Source: Capcom

Seth Hay: When Seth is not designing or developing, he spends time with his family and his occasional dose of anime, sports and video games.
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