Jack-O pose (challenge) spread like wildfire in 2021 when she was introduced to Guilty Gear Strive. The fun doesn’t stop there as Tifa Lockheart from Final Fantasy VII joins the fun. That’s right, a Jack-O pose Tifa Lockheart is real and pre-orders available now and there’s various variations to choose from. You can go the safer, clothed version or the nude version. This figure won’t be cheap as the resin statue starts off at $579.99 USD. That’s the standard price. Here are the other options available for pre-order on FavorGK’s website:
- Standard – $549.99 USD
- Advanced with Exchangeable Nude Body – $699.99 USD
- Advanced with Exchangeable Battle Suit Nude Body – $699.99 USD
- Advanced with TWO Exchangeable Body – $783.99 USD
There is an “early bird” pre-order sale, knocking the priced down a few bucks but only good by May 13th. The product shipping from France. There’s also a , located in China but selling the statue at a cheaper rate. However their options are a bit confusing but a cheaper route. Here’s what is offered on their website:
- Standard – $512 USD
- Nude body only – $113 USD
- Battle suit nude body only – $113 USD
Pre-orders available with a deposit of $230 USD, paying the remaining closer to release. Their release date set for end of 2022.
Additionally the statue built on a 1/4 scale, estimated at 36 cm (height) x 36 cm (width) x 41 cm depth. The set comes with 298 pieces and shipment begins March 2023. You’ll have time to save up your allowance for this sexy Tifa statue. Otherwise you always have the internet to assist with photos of the resin statue.
Source: FavorGK, Figure Ace Company