Final Fantasy XVI Trailer Shows Gameplay & Summons

Releases first on the PlayStation 5 in summer 2023.

Square Enix hasn’t forgotten about giving updates to its upcoming juggernaut title, Final Fantasy XVI. Originally revealed in September 2020, Final Fantasy XVI is still in development but during the latest PlayStation State of Play presentation, the newest Final Fantasy XVI trailer shows gameplay and lots of summons in-action. The game looks to feel more like an action game than an action role-playing game, which may deteriorate fans who love their role-playing style of combat.

The trailer mainly focused on new scenes, gameplay in-action, new characters and summons vs summons. The game’s mechanics will come at a later date as the game is set to release summer 2023, first on the PlayStation 5 console. Will you pick up this next Final Fantasy title? Be sure to check out our Final Fantasy XVI wallpapers here at Cat with Monocle.

Seth Hay: When Seth is not designing or developing, he spends time with his family and his occasional dose of anime, sports and video games.
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