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Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai first aired October 2, 2020 and ended its last episode on October 22, 2022. Originally a Shonen Jump manga series from 1989 to 1996, the series made its first anime appearance in 1991 for 46 episodes and three films. The re-launched anime ran for 100 episodes. While no mention of an animated film, the series will surely be missed for those who’ve followed Dai and his comrades in the last two years. If a Dragon Quest or a Shonen anime fan, we recommend watching the series. The animation scenes during the heat of battle are animated very well. The series is available to watch on Crunchyroll.
An English dubbed version revealed Friday, before its final episode aired. A date not set but coming to digital platforms soon. A sample clip provided by Toei Animation in the tweet below.
While the anime series closed its book, Dai’s adventure still continues in the upcoming video game, Infinity Strash: Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai. No official release date but expect a 2023 date. Additionally there’s a mobile game based on the anime, Dragon Quest the Adventure of Dai: A Hero’s Bond, for iOS and Android devices.