Marvelous Game Showcase Introduces New Rune Factory and Story of Seasons Projects

New Daemon X Machina game in development too.

Marvelous/XSEED Games showcased a series of upcoming projects heading to consoles and PC worldwide. To showcase these upcoming and in-development projects, a special “Marvelous Game Showcase” digital event was played online for everyone to watch. Many of these titles are still being developed but fans of role-playing games (RPGs) have something to look forward to. Two new Rune Factory games, a new Story of Seasons, a new Daemon X Machina game, two new RPG titles, and details of upcoming fashion game, Fashion Designer (revealed during Nintendo’s recent direct event). The official event available below to watch along with details of each working project.

Here are the titles revealed during the Marvelous Game Showcase:

  • Fashion Dreamer
  • Project Magia
  • Project Life is RPG
  • Story of Seasons
  • Rune Factory Project Dragon
  • Rune Factory 6
  • Daemon X Machina: Titanic Scion

Many of the following titles will receive an official game title when development is closer to completion. Launch dates and platforms to reveal at a later date. Marvelous and XSEED are looking to give their fans plenty to eat and it’s already looking like a great spread too.

Source: Marvelous / XSEED

Seth Hay: When Seth is not designing or developing, he spends time with his family and his occasional dose of anime, sports and video games.
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