Dimension Tripper Neptune: TOP NEP (First Impressions)

Shoot ‘em down with your Nep Nep attacks!

Our official review for Dimension Tripper Neptune: TOP NEP available now to read.

Dimension Tripper Neptune: TOP NEP is a 16-bit rail shooter that resembles games like Space Harrier and Star Fox. Sound effects and graphics utilize the retro games from the ‘90s and makes this a fun title, even if it is pretty short.

The rail shooter lets you cruise into five courses, each with a unique boss fight at the end of each level. Bosses begin to grow more meddlesome with throwing more projectiles at you. Luckily, you call forth comrades to assist you with firing projectiles. To call forth your partner, you’ll have to grab coins that are scattered across the level. Once the friend gauge is filled, they’ll jump right into action for a limited time.

Controls are simple. You can shoot unlimited amounts of projectiles and use your sword to help deflect enemy attacks. Additionally you can move around the screen to dodge enemy attacks and to confront them. That’s it. You don’t control your partner, they follow you based on your movement and there aren’t any special attacks you can utilize.

There’s two options to play: Normal and Hard. Normal mode let’s players continue after their health is depleted but it’ll cost you some of your score numbers. Hard mode won’t let you continue. If you want to know about Neptunia’s adventure in Dimension Tripper Neptune, the game’s description on Steam explains more than the game itself. It’s strictly a pick-up-and-play title. It’s priced at $4.99 USD at regular cost but the game is frequently on sale. It’s worth picking up for the sale price.

Beating the game takes less than thirty minutes. It’s a very short title but it’s a fun pick-me-up if you have a thirst for a quick rail shooter. It’s unfortunate the game is only available for Steam. If you happen to have a Steam Deck, the game is verified to play on it.

A review code provided for this article. Dimension Tripper Neptune: TOP NEP available on Steam.

Seth Hay: When Seth is not designing or developing, he spends time with his family and his occasional dose of anime, sports and video games.
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