
Super Mario Travel

Nintendo Japan Releases Super Mario Travel Goods

Nintendo Japan has released quite a few traveling goods to make your traveling, fun! Some stores in Japan will have…

Rockman X Anniversary Collection

Mega Man X Anniversary Soundtrack Teases on X9

We've mentioned about particular PlayStation trophies earlier, now it seems there's a message in the physical Mega Man X Anniversary…

Octopath Traveler Wayfarer's Edition

Closer Look at Octopath Traveler Wayfarer’s Edition

Octopath Traveler is here and so is the limited edition, the Wayfarer's Edition. This one is a bit difficult to…

Nintendo New York Store

Inside the Nintendo New York Store – 2018

The Nintendo Store in New York City was founded on November 16, 2001 but it wasn't it's original name. In…

Funko POP Pikachu

Pikachu Funko POP is Real and Target Exclusive

Rumors that a Pikachu Funko POP was in the works and Reddit users were posting product photos of it Now,…

Iconoclasts Merchandise

Iconoclasts Merchandise Available for PreOrder

If you are a fan of Iconoclasts, then you are in luck! Fangamer has a few items up now on…

Disneyland Infinity Gaunlet

Disneyland has an Infinity Gauntlet You Can Drink Out Of

The Avengers: Infinity War's  Infinity Gauntlet is no doubt powerful. Everyone wants it and now at Disneyland's Hollywood Land is selling…

Toys R Us and Babies R US is Closing Up Their Stores (Update)

Back in September 2017, the toy company, Toys R Us filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy to keep their stores (including Babies…

Top 40 Iconic Characters in Japan

Japan has a LOT of iconic figures and at everyone outside of Japan at least knows a few of them.…

Amiibo-less Super Mario Cereal is Hitting Store Shelves

The once, holy crap this cereal is an amiibo, is getting (supposedly) turned into an amiibo-less cereal. Thanks to Reddit…