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Nintendo closed down Miiverse November 8, 2017 along with all the neat drawings, screenshots, and community questions that we still ask ourselves today, y can’t metroid crawl?

Fear not! There’s a special site where you can go through those 75,955,135 screenshots, 216,901,986 replies, 133,003,599 posts, 72,135,190 drawings, and 8,278,693 profiles from Miiverse called Archiverse. There’s 17TB worth of data that was archived thanks to the efforts from Archive Team and the Internet Archive.

Archive Team’s Tim Miller discussed with Ars Technica in an IRC chat about the data archiving.

“Any time a social network goes down, we lose a ton of data,” Miller told Ars in an IRC chat. “Part of history, our culture, is lost. In Miiverse, especially in the art section, you can see people really investing a lot of their time and energy in it. And being able to save that for others to see and experience is extremely important. Just look at the people still making Splatoon art, right now, even though it’s going away in a few months. It’s clear some people out there care about it, and preserving this data would be [a] great thing for all. It’s important to remember that, when you give your data to companies like this, they can just as easily throw it away. And with that, so goes years of history.”

You can take a trip down memory lane right now at the Archiverse:

About Seth Hay - Editor-in-chief / Webmaster

When Seth is not designing or developing, he spends time with his family and his occasional dose of anime, sports and video games.

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