Senran Kagura Live Presentation on August 2nd

Updates on the anime series and games.

Peach Ball: Senran KaguraPeach Ball: Senran Kagura

There’s a Senran Kagura live presentation that’ll air on YouTube on August 2 at 20:00 JST (11 am ET / 8 am PT). The presentation will be hosted by Marvelous and Honey∞Parade Games and will discuss many topics regarding the Senran Kagura franchise.

Some of the topics to be discussed is the second season anime series, which has a teaser website, more details on the pinball game, Peach Ball: Senran Kagura for the Nintendo Switch, and Shinobi Master Senran Kagura: New Link for iOS and Android. There’s rumors of additional details on the PlayStation 4 game Senran Kagura 7EVEN but we’ll have to wait and see next week.

Western countries are receiving a couple Senran Kagura games this year, one for the Nintendo Switch and the other for the PlayStation and PC. With upcoming news on the plans of the franchise, it’ll be a good year for fans of the series. You’ll may want to bookmark this page as we have the broadcast video below ready for August 2nd.

Senran Kagura New Title Presentation 2018Senran Kagura New Title Presentation 2018

Source: Senran Kagura PR

Seth Hay: When Seth is not designing or developing, he spends time with his family and his occasional dose of anime, sports and video games.
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