Untitled Goose Game Announced for Nintendo Switch

Play as an a-hole goose.

Untitled Goose Game AnnouncedUntitled Goose Game Announced

Ever wanted to play as a prick in a game? How about play as a goose? Well you are in luck! Untitled Goose Game announced for the Nintendo Switch will give you both of those. You get to play as a mischievous goose that goes around in town, creating problems for the town folks.

While the game and style is simple and clean, it reminds us of Keita Takahashi‘s Katamari series and Noby Noby Boy. Switch players will want to keep an eye on this game when it releases next year. For the time being, you can watch the trailer below and start planning what trouble you want to cause for the nice towns people.

Untitled Goose Game will release on PC and Nintendo Switch next year.

Untitled Goose Game - Coming to Switch and Computers!Untitled Goose Game - Coming to Switch and Computers!
Seth Hay: When Seth is not designing or developing, he spends time with his family and his occasional dose of anime, sports and video games.
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