Samurai Shodown Announced for Nintendo Switch Early 2020

Pre-order to get a digital copy of Samurai Shodown! 2.

Samuari Shodown - Nintendo SwitchSamuari Shodown - Nintendo Switch

Samurai Shodown announced officially for the Nintendo Switch. No specific date has been said yet but will hit the hybrid console early 2020. Thanks to Nintendo’s product page, the game releases on February 25th, 2020. The classic fighting game has been absent for about 11 years. Making a return on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and soon for the Nintendo Switch. The game will feature 16 characters, 13 returning and 3 newcomers. Switch owners will see Rimururu, Kubikiri Basara, Kazuki Kazama, and Wan Fu returning as DLC. Additionally, Hisame Shizumaru from Samurai Shodown III is included as a free character.

Samuari Shodown! 2 - Neo Geo PocketSamuari Shodown! 2 - Neo Geo Pocket

Pre-order the game will also receive a special pre-order bonus. Available only for the Nintendo Switch, players can play Samurai Shodown! 2, the original Neo Geo Pocket version.

To celebrate the announcement for the Nintendo Switch, SNK released an announcement trailer that’s available to view below. The classic fighting game arrives on the Nintendo Switch Q1 of 2020 February 25th, 2020.

Samurai Shodown - Switch Announcement TrailerSamurai Shodown - Switch Announcement Trailer

Updated 1/7/2020: Updated original release with confirmed confirmed release date.

Source: SNK PR, Nintendo

Seth Hay: When Seth is not designing or developing, he spends time with his family and his occasional dose of anime, sports and video games.
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