Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme Vs Maxi Boost ON Release Date

Get ready for a mobile suit fight this summer.

Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme Vs Maxi Boost ON release date schedule for end of July on the PlayStation 4. The giant robot fighting game will have 185 playable units from 36 different Gundam iterations. Each unit to have unique abilities, designed to match fan’s personal playstyle. The 2-on-2 battle game will have open access to players each weekend of July until its launch on July 30th. Players can download the open access right now on their PlayStation 4.

Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme Vs Maxi Boost ON open access dates and times:

  • July 3rd at 8pm (Friday) – July 4th at 8pm (Saturday)
  • July 10th at 8pm (Friday) – July 11th at 8pm (Saturday)
  • July 17th at 8pm (Friday) – July 18th at 8pm (Saturday)
  • July 24th at 8pm (Friday) – July 25th at 8pm (Saturday)

If you’ve been on the fence on the game or need some giant robot fights on your summer weekend, these are the best time to do so.

Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme Vs Maxi Boost ON release date ready for launch on July 30, 2020 for the PlayStation 4. Official Japanese website live for more information. What’s your favorite Gundam series?

Source: Bandai Namco PR

Seth Hay: When Seth is not designing or developing, he spends time with his family and his occasional dose of anime, sports and video games.
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