Dragon Ball FighterZ’s Android 21 (Lab Coat) Release Date Set for February 24th

Don’t call her four eyes.

Possibly the last DLC fighter for the popular Dragon Ball FighterZ finally sees a release date. During the Dragon Ball Games Battle Hour 2022, a special trailer showcased about the newest fighter. Android 21 (lab coat) becomes available on February 24th. The character will not be an alternate costume of the already in-game character, Android 21. Instead this version of Android 21 will be its very own character with a unique skill set. If Goku can have a handful of versions, surely so can other characters. This version of Android 21 made many appearances during the game’s storyline. It’s surprising she wasn’t already an option since the beginning.

Dragon Ball FighterZ available on the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. Android 21 (lab coat) available on February 24, 2022 as an individual DLC download. No cost announced for this character yet.

DRAGON BALL: FighterZ - Android 21(Lab Coat) TrailerDRAGON BALL: FighterZ - Android 21(Lab Coat) Trailer

Source: Bandai Namco

Seth Hay: When Seth is not designing or developing, he spends time with his family and his occasional dose of anime, sports and video games.
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