Just like that, E3 2023 cancelled. With Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft already stating they will not attend the showroom at this year’s E3, it created apprehension if the event would still go on. As days went on, Ubisoft, Sega, and Tencent also pulled out on attending the once juggernaut video game event.
Last year about this time last year, ESA called off the show for 2022. With the latest blow, ESA made if official to turn the lights of for another year. With PAX East just came and gone and more in-person events happening this year, it seemed this would be the year E3 would come back. Sadly, it’s not this year. With video game companies now showcasing their news with their digital events, it’s now making it harder for what will E3 do next.
Source: E3 (twitter)