A new Dragon Ball Sparking! Zero trailer was revealed during the 2024 Dragon Ball Games Battle Hour, an annual event based on Dragon Ball-based games. This latest trailer is all about the one of the most popular rivalries in entertainment: Goku vs Vegeta. Showcasing the history of the the two fighters and their various forms, the trailer reveals each of their forms take a roster spot. If you think about it, that’s a lot. The following forms of Goku and Vegeta were revealed in the latest trailer:
Goku (Z – Early)
Goku (Z – Mid)
Goku (Z – Mid), Super Saiyan
Goku (Z – End)
Goku (Z – End), Super Saiyan
Goku (Z – End), Super Saiyan 2
Goku (Z – End), Super Saiyan 3
Goku (Super)
Goku (Super), Super Saiyan
Goku (Super), Super Saiyan God
Goku (Super), Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan
Vegeta (Z – Scouter)
Great Ape Vegeta
Vegeta (Z – Early)
Vegeta (Z – Early), Super Saiyan
Super Vegeta
Vegeta (Z – End)
Vegeta (Z – End), Super Saiyan
Vegeta (Z – End), Super Saiyan 2
Majin Vegeta
Vegeta (Super)
Vegeta (Super), Super Saiyan
Vegeta (Super), Super Saiyan God
Vegeta (Super), Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan
That’s a lot of roster spots for just two characters. There’ll be additional characters that aren’t just these two. Based on the honeycomb shapes at the end of the trailer, expect to see characters from various Dragon Ball series, such as Dragon Ball Super characters in this fighting game (e.g. Jiren, Bergamo).
The game brings back developer studio, Spike Chunsoft for Sparking! Zero as they were the same company who also worked on the original Dragon Ball Budokai Tenkaichi series. Additionally, the arena fighting game will run on Unreal Engine 5. Dragon Ball Sparking! ZERO releases on the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC (Steam) in 2024. Fans can watch the Dragon Ball Sparking! ZERO trailer and visit the game’s official website for more information.
Source: Bandai Namco