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Time Treker is an action roguelike game that’s fun and easy to pick up. The game is in its early stages but while test driving the gameplay, it’s addicting.

Prevent the Invasion

In Time Treker, an alien species of bugs invades the Earth, taking over the planet and forcing humans to escape into space. For humanity’s last hope, a set of adventures are sent back in time to prevent the large invasion from occurring.

Players can choose between a variety of characters, each with a skill and stats that differ from each other. In this early access, only one character was available to test. To unlock others, you’ll have to complete certain goals within the game to play others. At the very least, the game could have given you two characters to start.

Fight Like No Tomorrow

If you’ve played games like the popular Vampire Survivors, you’re well aware of the style of the game. Players will move around the battlefield, in a top-down view, to take down the aliens that are beginning to invade the area and dodge projectiles at the same time. It’s almost like a bullet-hell style game. Fight and survive are your keys to success.

You’ll encounter areas within the stage where you can gain supplies like upgrades and health replenishment. There are also stations where once activated, it can destroy aliens in the close vicinity. To initiate these areas, your character should be within nearby until the gauge fills to 100%.

Each stage has a set of missions to complete such as defeating a certain amount of aliens or have a certain amount of health left before the countdown hits zero. If you failed to do any of these missions before the countdown hits zero, you can try again but can come at a cost such as crystals, a currency in the game.

If your health depletes to zero, the mission is a failure and you’ll have to try again. Don’t worry, the upgrades you earn stay with you unless you decide to quit the progress of your character. It’s unfortunate you can’t swap between different characters without sacrificing the progress made.

Upgrade Your Battle

One of the best parts of the game and fun to mess around with is the ability to upgrade your battle suit. While battling, if you fill the gauge located at the top of the screen, you’re given three options to choose such as weapons, weapon styles such as freezing enemies and more. All three options are not the same every time so you’ll want to strategize first.

You can upgrade your weapons and more. This requires acquiring multiple of the same item and will come in handy as you play. You can unlock more slots to add new weapons and attributes such as cutting down cooldown. You can modify and change your equipment anytime.

The Last Hope

You’ll have a fun experience trying to save planet Earth from alien bugs with Time Treker with its gameplay and upgrade system. For a value of $6.99 USD, why not jump in and save humanity?

A Steam code provided for this article and played on the Steam Deck.

Time Treker - Early Access Release Trailer

About Seth Hay - Editor-in-chief / Webmaster

When Seth is not designing or developing, he spends time with his family and his occasional dose of anime, sports and video games.

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