Dragon Quest 35th Anniversary Event Announced

When and where to watch the live stream event.

Dragon Quest 35th Anniversary EventDragon Quest 35th Anniversary Event

It’ll be 35 years since Dragon Quest first appeared  and Square Enix is holding a Dragon Quest 35th Anniversary event on May 26th. The event introduces upcoming games from the Dragon Quest series from across many platforms. Based on the Dragon Quest anniversary site, the broadcast is held in Japan with English interpretation, making it the first to broadcast worldwide. The live broadcast starts 11:30 pm EDT / 8:30pm PDT, a late night for many but fans of the franchise will be eager to see what’s in-store for the franchise.

What do you want to see announced? Dragon Quest XII? A new Dragon Quest Heroes? The Pokémon Go-like mobile game, Dragon Quest Walk? Stay tuned!

DRAGON QUEST 35th Anniversary SpecialDRAGON QUEST 35th Anniversary Special

Source: Square Enix

Seth Hay: When Seth is not designing or developing, he spends time with his family and his occasional dose of anime, sports and video games.
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